Please join us for the CYOA Annual Meeting this November 15th at 6pm held at The Sailing Museum in Newport, Rhode Island.
What: CYOA Annual Meeting and CYCS Awards
When: Friday, November 15, 2023 - 6:00 – 8:30pm
Where: The Sailing Museum, 365 Thames Street, Newport, RI
6:00 Arrival, socializing with open bar and heavy hors d’oeuvres
6:30ish CYOA Annual Meeting
- Goals and Accomplishments
- Election of Board, Officers, Technical Committee
- Member Feedback
6:45ish CYCS Awards
- Overall Series Winners
- District Winners
7:15 Resume socializing
8:30 Bar closes and event ends
Dress: Cocktail casual (no need for blazers or ties)
Questions: Kate Somers 401 864 8424
If you are attending OR not, please RSVP as a No allows you to sign as a Proxy so we can have an quorum.