A Letter to our Members – June 2020

Dear CYOA members and friends,

Welcome to the summer of 2020.  It will be an interesting one for sure, although no one really knows what will be in store.  At my yard we have about 15% of our customers who have chosen not to put their boats in the water this year, but those that are launching are very excited to get out on the water.  I hope you all will too.

For this summer we have listed all the CYOA events and their current status.  As you can see, we have increased the number of events significantly this year.  We have some really great venues and it was going to be a banner year for the CYOA Series until the coronavirus changed everything.  Some events have chosen to cancel completely, several have chosen to hold a race, but with no shoreside events at all, and some that are further out on the calendar are adopting a “wait and see” approach.  Please look at the schedule and we hope you will be able to attend at least some of these events.

Since things are still so much up in the air, we are adopting the wait and see approach to a CYOA Series this year.  We need to have enough events to participate in to make it fair for everyone.  We hope it will come to happen, but we’ll have to be patient.  We have decided that we will host a Spring 2021 kick-off party for the 2021 CYOS Series, and there will not be a fall 2020 party.  Please note that we have also listed the 2021 Series Calendar for everyone’s planning purposes.

Our CYOA membership has remained strong with about 163 members who have renewed this year, but understandably CRF certificates are down significantly.  If you think you will be participating in any of these events, please do renew your CRF certificate, which you will need to participate this summer.  The certificates are what allow us to pay the people who create the rule and provide the certificates.  Your support is appreciated.

Finally, welcome to our first newsletter feature article about Apache.  We hope to continue to provide articles like this in the future and we already have several ideas lined up.  If you would like to see your boat project in the newsletter please let us know.  We hope these will be interesting, educational and inspirational for our CYOA members.

See you on the water!

Steve White, Chairman CYOA

Thanks to our Diamond and Gold Partners

Interested in becoming a partner of the CYOA? Join as a Partner online or contact us at info@classicyachts.org for details.


The Classic Yacht Owners Association is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations and membership fees are charitable contributions and tax-deductible. Employer Identification Number: 81-285925

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