Classic Yacht Challenge Series

The organizing authority (OA) for the Classic Yacht Challenge Series (CYCS) is the Classic Yacht Owners Association (CYOA) in cooperation with the Organizing Authorities of the participating Series Events.

The Series takes place across three Racing Districts: “Maine”, ”Massachusetts”, and ”RI, CT, NY”.

To qualify for a Series' award, a boat must be scored in a minimum of 5 races, and 1 of these races must be scored outside the vessel’s declared Racing District. Note that some Series Events have more than 1 race; it is races scored that count.

2024 Calendar

Vineyard Cup

Vineyard Haven, MA

In 2024, the Vineyard Cup was added to the Classic Yacht Challenge Series! Kicks off BIG BOAT RACING ON THE VINEYARD and is held on the waters of Nantucket Sound […]

Camden Classics Cup

Camden, ME

The must-not-miss event of the season with two days of racing around Penobscot Bay and amazing social events onshore hosted by Lyman Morse.

Camden to Brooklin Race

Camden, ME

The second of the three distance races held in a weekend sends the fleet from Camden to Brooklin ahead of ERR.

Eggemoggin Reach Regatta

Brooklin, ME

The infamous wooden boat race is the largest of the season and sends the fleet west to Castine from Brooklin.

Nantucket Regatta

Nantucket, MA

Leading into the Opera House Cup, this Friday/Saturday event features buoy and distance racing.

Opera House Cup

Nantucket, MA

This event in its 53rd year the season highlight for this region. The pursuit race is followed by a parade and biggest social of the year.

Herreshoff Classic Yacht Regatta

Bristol, Ri

Featuring feeder races to and from Newport, the regatta takes place on Saturday followed by awards at the Herreshoff Marine Museum.

2023 Results

as of Sept 27, 2023

How to read the Series Results:

  • Per the CYCS Notice of Series, to qualify for a boat must be a CYOA Member and compete in 5 individual races across 3 events in at least 2 districts. For district awards, a boat must sail in 3 races across 2 events.
  • A boat's High Point Percentage overall score is determined by summing the top 5 points earned in the boat's top 5 races and dividing that by the total number of boats sailed against in those races - then multiplying by 100. Therefore, 5 first places earned over the season would equate to 100%. A tie breaker is determined by whomever sailed against the most boats. For districts, it is top 3 scores. Qualified boats are then ranked by the CRF Division (the division listed on their CRF Certificate).
  • In the case where an Organizing Authority (OA) of an event choose to sail boats from different CRF Divisions against each other or not for race management purposes, where applicable the Corrected Time or Corrected Speed was instead used to rank boats against other boats in their CRF Certificate Division. Therefore, the starting class place earned at an event may differ than the division place for the series. Please note for the Eggemoggin Reach Regatta, the ERR Handicap was removed for a boat's CYCS score.
  • The goal of the Series is to encourage friendly competition and find the best way to fairly compare results transparently. A great amount of time was taken to analyze these results and any questions can be directed to Kate Somers:

Series Overall:

District Results:

Thanks to our Diamond and Gold Partners

Interested in becoming a partner of the CYOA? Join as a Partner online or contact us at for details.


The Classic Yacht Owners Association is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations and membership fees are charitable contributions and tax-deductible. Employer Identification Number: 81-285925

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