Polly Arrives in Style

Polly Arrives in Style

The newly-arrived 56-foot Nevins-built Polly turned some heads on the classic yacht racing circuit this summer.  While her results have been what you'd expect from a boat that hasn't been sailed for a few decades (up and down), she set a terrific example for DIY enthusiasts and Corinthian sailors.

Polly was restored by her owner Peter Gallant and his two sons over a period of seven years with the dual objectives of saving a storied boat and teaching his sons the value of hard work.  Peter launched her last fall, and he's campaigned her extensively this summer with a rotating crew of friends and acquaintances - all while living aboard.  In the process, they've discovered that their sail inventory needs improvement and that racing a 56-foot yacht in breeze can be a handful.  He's happy with the restoration, though, and according to Peter, "We are planning to winter in Greenport, and hopefully finish the long list of unfinished details by June. Options for next season are to race the circuit again, but with more cruising time, and possibly an entry into the Newport-Bermuda race. If that happens, we may just carry on to the Azores and the Mediterranean."

Click here to read about Polly's restoration on MaineBoats.com.

Thanks to our Diamond and Gold Partners

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