The Eggemoggin Reach Regatta began humbly in 1985 with thirteen wooden boats and a dream. Organizer Steve White along with Frank Hull of Brooklin Boatyard first envisioned the race as an opportunity for wooden boat owners to get to together and enjoy each others company as well as to compete. The race quickly grew to 125 boats and is now co-hosted by Brooklin Boatyard and Rockport Marine.. The Regatta's 15-mile course has remained the same over the years and only once was the race cancelled due to fog. (The party still happened though!) The Camden Feeder Regatta and the Castine Classic Yacht Race soon joined the ERR to create a truly spectacular three-day event.

As details for this year's event are finalized, we will share them with the group as well as posting them here.

Participating CYOA Yachts: 

(Click a boat to see the profile. Owners: you can update your profile under the Portal).


Thanks to our Diamond and Gold Partners

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The Classic Yacht Owners Association is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations and membership fees are charitable contributions and tax-deductible. Employer Identification Number: 81-285925

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