The Maine Events: Silent Maid Not So Silent

Photo: Tyler Fields

Peter Kellogg and his team of (mostly) Bay Head locals brought the catboat Silent Maid to town, and they left two weeks later with a boatload of trophies.  Camden Classic Cup (July 25-27) organizer Marnie Read from Lyman-Morse reports that conditions were amazing, and a good time was had by everyone, an assertion that was seconded by overall winner Peter Kellogg!

Take a look at the wrap-up press release from LM here and you can find the scores on the CYOA site here.  This event is going strong and growing every year, so put it on your calendar!

Three days after the conclusion of the Camden Classics Cup, David Bicks kicked off his annual celebration of all things classic in Castine with symposium focused on the Herreshoff Small Boats.  Tied up on the Castine waterfront were a variety of fine examples of Herreshoff design and craftsmanship, and a panel discussion at Maine Maritime was followed by the kick-off cocktail party for the Castine Classic Yacht Race the following day. 

The fleet grew as it proceeded from Castine to Camden and thence to Brooklin, and a whopping 108 boats raced in the 34th Eggemoggin Reach Regatta over a 16-mile course.  If you are worried that interest in classic yacht racing is waning, you should go to this event.  It is inspiring, and the description of it as the "Woodstock of Classic Yachting" is apt.

Silent Maid racked up finishes of 1,3,1 across the three events and headed back to New Jersey with a happy crew!  Results of all of these events can be found at these links:

Camden Classics Cup
Castine Classic Yacht Race
Camden to Brooklin Wooden Boat Race
Eggemoggin Reach Regatta

This series of events should be on everyone's bucket list.  Circle the last weekend in July and the first weekend in August on your 2020 calendar now!

Thanks to our Diamond and Gold Partners

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The Classic Yacht Owners Association is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations and membership fees are charitable contributions and tax-deductible. Employer Identification Number: 81-285925

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