FAQ Category: New for 2024

A:  To avoid confusing owners, CRF strives to keep its sail definitions in synch with those laid out in the Equipment Rules of Sailing (ref page 30, https://d7qh6ksdplczd.cloudfront.net/sailing/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/05151946/Equipment-Rules-of-Sailing-2021-2024.pdf ).  These […]
A: The debate about whether ToD or ToT scoring is preferable can be endless.  The reality is that ToD is simpler, it makes it much easier to monitor time allowances […]
A: CRF converts its ratings used for Time on Distance scoring (expressed in seconds/mile) to the Time Correction Factors (TCF’s) used for Time on Time scoring via the following formula:  […]
A: The ratings used in the familiar ToD approach to scoring follow directly from the science of sailing yacht performance prediction, in that ToD ratings  reflect the time that it […]
A: A CRF GPH rating is a prediction of how fast a boat should sail around a 1 mile course whose content consists of 1/3 VMG upwind, 1/3 VMG downwind, […]
A: The short answer is that the CRF GPH is greater by a constant 535 sec/mi for all CRF ratings, so they can be used in either form to score […]
A: ‘GPH’ is an abbreviation for ‘General Purpose Handicap’.  The ‘CRF’ prefix is added to distinguish the CRF GPH from the GPH handicaps that are produced by the ORCi and […]
A. Yes, it is likely that ‘headsails set flying’ (HSF) will be addressed by CRF in the future.  Discussions on how best to do this are now underway.  One option […]

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